WizTree 是一款高效的磁盘空间分析工具,专为快速扫描和可视化显示存储设备的使用情况而设计。它能够直接读取磁盘的主文件表(MFT),以极快的速度展示所有文件和文件夹的大小分布,并以直观的树状图和热力图形式呈现存储信息。WizTree 支持 NTFS、FAT、exFAT 文件系统,并允许用户快速查找占用空间较大的文件或冗余数据,从而有效优化存储管理。该工具特别适合需要处理大量数据或频繁管理存储的个人与企业用户。
- 超高速扫描
- 通过读取 NTFS 分区的 MFT,几秒内完成大容量磁盘的扫描,比传统扫描工具快得多。
- 存储可视化展示
- 采用树状图和热力图形式展示文件和文件夹大小,使用户快速定位占用空间最多的项目。
- 多文件系统支持
- 支持 NTFS、FAT 和 exFAT 文件系统,涵盖大多数存储设备类型。
- 大文件搜索与清理
- 快速筛选出体积庞大的文件,帮助用户识别和清理无用文件或冗余数据。
- 重复文件检测
- 内置重复文件查找功能,方便用户释放存储空间并优化资源。
- 文件类型分类统计
- 自动统计不同类型文件(如视频、图片、文档)的总大小,帮助用户分析存储结构。
- 过滤与排序功能
- 支持按文件大小、类型、修改日期等多种条件进行排序和筛选,提高分析效率。
- 导出分析报告
- 支持将扫描结果导出为 CSV 格式,方便进一步处理和报告。
- 便携式版本
- 提供无需安装的便携版,适用于各种场景中的快速分析。
CSV Export options that were previously only available via command line are now selectable when using the Export to CSV function. Additional data items can be included in the export along with extra filtering and sorting options. Note that either “Tree View” or “File View” data will be exported depending on which tab is active. Select the correct tab before selecting the CSV export function.
CSV file exports will now include drive size info by default (total space, space used, space free and reserved space). To exclude this info from the exported CSV file, set command line parameter /exportdrivecapacity=0
CSV files containing drive size info will have the info displayed on screen (previously only space used was displayed when importing a CSV file)
CSV file import speed greatly increased
Fixed bug in 32 bit version that would prevent Windows\System32 folder from being scanned correctly when using slower non NTFS method
WizTree will now hide drives hidden by Windows Group Policy settings (if any). Note that these hidden drives can still be selected by using ‘Select Folder’ and then typing in the drive name, e.g. “c:” (like Windows Explorer allows)
percentage displayed for file extensions was not calculated correctly when multiple items were scanned together – fixed
Percentages displayed will now always default to being calculated using “allocated” values instead of “size”, unless sort order is set to “Size” as “Allocated” is the default sort order
Duplicate detection method now defaults to name, size AND date (previously just name and size) – will affect new installs only
it’s now possible to set the WizTree config folder location via command line parameter. e.g. /configfolder=”c:\WizTreeConfig”
OR by creating the following registry key:
and creating a string named “configfolder” within this key containing the config file folder location.
The command line parameter will take precedence over the registry key. This setting and command line work with both the installer (setup) and WizTree executables (4.24 or newer)
Copy/Cut functions were not working correctly – fixed
Values too wide to fit into a cell will be indicated by a red vertical line on the left edge of the cell to indicate that the column should be widened to display the entire number
WizTree application icon updated (“extra large” icon added)
Fixed issue with file system monitoring in 4.21 which could cause deleted files not to be detected
Fixed scaling issue with color selection form
Korean translation updated
Swedish translation updated
Improved threading when in non Admin mode and when scanning non NTFS drives/network drives/folders, resulting in more than 4x faster scanning of SSD drives
Reserved Space is now displayed for NTFS volumes. This is space reserved for the Windows operating system and can be quite significant for drives with Windows installed. It also accounts for most of the difference between the total allocated space calculated by WizTree and the “space used” reported by Windows. The remaining difference is made up of other NTFS file system data (such as directory indexes) which do not appear in the WizTree scan results.
File grouping size can now be set via Options->Tweaks->File group minimum size
MTP/PTP device support updated (MTP/PTP devices are things like mobile phones or digital cameras):
– Context menu issues with MTP/PTP devices fixed
– Copy/Cut now working correctly with MTP/PTP devices
Improved tree loading speed and treemap rendering for drives containing very large numbers of files
Fixed context menu issues when running on Windows XP (“Send to” not working, missing text in sub menus)
Export to CSV would not export anything when “File view” selected and no files selected – now exports all files on the list.
Context menu issues with very long file names fixed
Improved detection of newly inserted USB drives
Added “Expand All” (Shift+F4) option to File menu – will expand all tree nodes. Press F4 to reset the expansion
Portable version now defaults to starting in non admin mode. Enable “Options->Always run as Administrator” to have WiaTree always start in Admin mode
Fixed issue with config ini file settings not being read correctly when containing BOM marker (added by some text editors)
- 去除右上角捐赠提示
WizTree 4.25 便携版
https://url20.ctfile.com/d/12493720-58765033-c61f60 密码:osssr