W3 Total Cache Pro (W3TC) 是 WordPress 静态缓存插件,它能加速您的网站,该插件通过提高网站性能和减少加载时间来改善网站的 SEO 和用户体验。通过延迟 JavaScript 资源的加载来帮助提高网站的性能,从而消除渲染阻塞问题并提高您的 Google PageSpeed 分数。本站使用的也是 W3 Total Cache Pro,给不给力自己评测。
- 延迟脚本:延迟加载非必要的 javascript 文件。
- 消除渲染阻塞 CSS:将渲染阻塞 CSS 传输到 HTTP 正文以消除额外的 HTTP 调用。
- 删除 CSS/JS:消除网站上任何地方未使用的 CSS/JS,以提高 Google PageSpeed 分数。
- WebP 图像转换:将图像转换为 WebP 以获得较小的文件大小。
- REST API 缓存:为 REST API 响应启用服务器端缓存。
- 清除缓存日志:通过准确了解清除缓存的内容,可以节省重建缓存的服务器资源。
Fix: Error deactivating when selected to delete plugin data
Fix: WP-CLI: Enable Object Cache depending on settings
Fix: Delete all plugin WordPress Options if selected on deactivation
Enhancement: Automatically disable Object Cache after plugin update if set to Disk and display a notice
Enhancement: WP-CLI: Added settings to enable Object and DB Cache for WP-CLI
Enhancement: Added an email field to the exit survey for requesting help
Enhancement: Added a popup modal to accept the risk when enabling Object Cache using Disk
Fix: CDN: Amazon S3 long hostname for default region
Fix: WP-CLI: Error running “wp w3tc alwayscached_*” commands
Fix: WP-CLI: Remove HTML in output
Enhancement: Simplified license messaging
Fix: Deactivation modal JS error
Fix: HTTP API calls for checking required files
Fix: script-src-elem and style-src-attr security headers
Fix: Handle multiple line srcset attributes for CDN URL replacement
Fix: Fragment Cache: Fixed logic for navigation links
Fix: Check for modified advanced-cache.php dropin/addin file
Fix: Log directory name is made unique
Enhancement: Added an exit survey with option to delete plugin data on deactivation
Enhancement: Fragment Cache: Added notices for configuration
Enhancement: Use admin-ajax for settings help tab content links
Update: Handle XML MIME types in cache by default
Update: Added “immutable” options for cache-control headers
Update: Added WP-CLI command descriptions
Update: CDN widget notices for BunnyCDN
Update: WebP Converter widget notice
Fix: Added additional user capability checks
Fix: Ensure Object Cache garbage collection (disk) WP Cron event is scheduled
Fix: Added additional checks when loading the Object Cache dropin
Fix: Disable Database, Object, and Fragment Cache when using WP-CLI
Fix: Object Cache debug logging
Fix: FAQ help tabs
Update: Coding standards
W3 Total Cache Pro 2.8.6 破解版
Memcached 装了么?