Balabolka 是一款功能强大的文字转语音(TTS)软件,支持多种语言和语音引擎,能够将任何类型的文本转换为自然清晰的语音。无论是文章、网页内容还是电子书,Balabolka 都能快速将其转化为语音文件,支持多种音频格式输出(如MP3、WAV等)。该软件提供广泛的自定义选项,如语音速度、音调调整等,满足用户个性化需求。
- 支持多种文本格式
- Balabolka 可以读取并转换多种格式的文本,包括TXT、DOCX、PDF、HTML、EPUB等,方便用户从不同来源获取内容并进行语音转换。
- 丰富的语音引擎支持
- 该软件支持多种语音合成引擎,如 Microsoft Speech Platform、SAPI 5、Voxygen、Acapela等,用户可根据需求选择最适合的语音。
- 多语言支持
- Balabolka 提供多种语言的语音支持,包括英语、法语、德语、中文等,适合不同语言环境的用户,提升了全球化适用性。
- 语音参数自定义
- 用户可以调整语音的音调、速度、音量等参数,进一步个性化语音输出,达到更自然的语音效果。
- 文本到语音的批量处理
- Balabolka 支持批量转换多个文件,并可以将输出保存为音频文件,适用于需要批量转换大量文本的情况,节省时间。
- 输出多种音频格式
- 用户可以将转换后的语音保存为多种格式,包括MP3、WAV、OGG、MP4等,方便在不同设备和平台上播放。
- 书签与注释功能
- 支持在文本中添加书签和注释,方便在长篇文档中快速定位和管理内容,提升使用体验。
- 语音合成文件编辑
- Balabolka 允许用户编辑合成的音频文件,包括剪切、拼接、保存特定片段等,提供更高的灵活性。
- 语音识别与朗读
- 内置的语音识别功能可以将用户的语音转为文本,配合朗读功能,提供更全方位的语音交互体验。
[+] Added the button “Translate with All Services” to the translation window.
[-] Fixed the using of Microsoft Azure.
[*] Resources for Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian and Polish languages were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev, Anan, Petar Divić and Fresta).
[+] Baidu Translate is available again.
[-] The system library MMDevApi.dll is not used: this will avoid program crashes after installing the 24H2 update for Windows 11 (thanks to Ikuo Kurihara for testing).
[*] Updated the drag-and-drop support.
[*] When auto-detecting text encoding, the program will assume by default that the text file is UTF-8 encoded (in previous versions, the program assumed ASCII characters in the file by default).
[+] Added the button “Select Voice” to the main window: the button will help to select items from the voice list if the voice list is long (thanks to Jean Bernardo da Silva Vieira).
[+] Small improvements.
[-] Fixed the using of Yandex SpeechKit.
[*] Updated the list of voices for CereVoice Cloud.
[*] Updated the using of Iciba TTS, Naver TTS and Youdao TTS.
[*] Removed all changes related to program crashes due to MMDevApi.dll system library. Here’s what we know about the problem that appears after installing the 24H2 update for Windows 11: if the user’s monitor contains speakers, if the graphics card and the monitor are connected by a cable that transmits sound – this leads to unstable work of Balabolka, it periodically crashes, and the MMDevApi.dll library is specified in the event log as the cause of the crash. But if you connect speakers or headphones to the audio jack on the motherboard of the same computer, Balabolka works stably. So, the problem is neither in the MMDevApi.dll library nor in Balabalka, but in some driver inside the 24H2 update. Until Microsoft developers fix the problem, here’s the situation: if you installed Windows 11 update 24H2 and Balabolka starts crashing, connect your audio output device to a different port on your computer.
[+] Added the using of LibreTranslate.
[+] Added the maximal rate value for subtitle converting (when the SoundTouch library is used).
[*] For online text-to-speech services, only the SoundTouch library will be used to make the speech fit within the time intervals in the subtitles.
[+] Added the using of Iciba Text-To-Speech and iTranslate Text-To-Speech.
[*] Updated the list of voices for Baidu Text-To-Speech.
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有没有 语音转换文本的软件?