
UltraDefrag 12.0 磁盘整理工具企业版便携版






  1. 简单高效的碎片整理算法
  2. 安全的环境,防止文件损坏
  3. 锁定分页和休眠文件的碎片整理
  4. NTFS元文件(包括MFT)和流碎片整理
  5. 灵活的过滤器允许通过各种标准排除文件
  6. 具有指定分段级别的磁盘碎片整理
  7. 通过Windows资源管理器上下文菜单碎片整理
  8. 多语言图形界面(超过60种语言)
  9. 强大的命令行界面
  10. 计划碎片整理(使用Windows任务计划程序)
  11. 当指定时间间隔过去时自动终止
  12. 自动休眠或在任务完成后自动关闭


Version 12.0.0


– the graphical interface was overhauled with a modern design that not only
boosts aesthetics but also takes functionality to the next level
+ the new interface comes with two eyestrain reducing color themes:
light and dark; the light theme is optimized for daytime use,
the dark one is perfect for use in dark environments
+ you can easily switch between color themes manually or set the interface
to always match the color theme of Windows
+ an option to prevent system from going into sleep during disk processing
was added
+ an option to automatically pause disk processing on AC power outages
was added; being enabled this option prevents excessive drain of your
batteries during AC power outages; if you’re using a generator to keep
your computer running instead of batteries, enable this option to save
some fuel
+ all settings now have a description
+ all settings changes get applied immediately, there’s no need to click
the Apply button anymore
+ the new interface comes with a handy Help dialog which contains links
to documentation, troubleshooting resources and contact information
+ the settings and help dialogs remember the last open tab between runs,
so now you can pick up right where you left off
+ the new interface includes visual indication of the amount of free
space available on your disks, so you can quickly decide whether to run
a disk cleanup utility before defragmentation or not
+ during the disk processing the new interface indicates the progress of
the current operation visually and also displays how much disk space
has been already processed and how much still needs to be processed;
this greatly helps to estimate the remaining disk processing time
+ the new interface includes visual indication of the disk fragmentation
level and also displays the amount of solid and loose fragments, so now
you can make a more informative decision whether to defragment or optimize
your disks
+ now you can explore details of all the already processed disks while
the disk processing is still running
+ all windows are fully responsive, i.e. they deliver a consistent user
experience across all screen sizes
+ the new interface reduces CPU load by utilizing GPU accelerated graphics
– all the program modules were further optimized for speed
– compatibility with Windows 11 and latest Windows 10 updates was improved
– Japanese and Tamil translations of the graphical interface were improved
– wxWidgets library was updated to the latest 3.2.4 version


UltraDefrag 12.0 便携版

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