
Calibre 7.26.0 便携版 - 电子书阅读器

Calibre 是一款功能强大的开源电子书管理软件,旨在帮助用户组织、转换和阅读电子书。它支持广泛的电子书格式,并允许用户轻松地在不同设备之间同步电子书。除了电子书管理外,Calibre 还提供了全面的格式转换功能,使得用户能够将电子书转换为适合自己设备的格式。它还具备新闻下载、电子书编辑和内容服务器等扩展功能,是电子书爱好者的理想工具。



Calibre 7.7.0 电子书管理软件


  1. 电子书管理
    • 组织和分类电子书库,支持标签、评级和元数据编辑,便于管理大量电子书。
  2. 格式转换
    • 支持多种电子书格式间的转换,如 EPUB、MOBI、PDF、AZW3 等,适用于不同的阅读设备。
  3. 电子书阅读器
    • 内置电子书阅读器,用户可以直接在 Calibre 中阅读各种格式的电子书。
  4. 设备同步
    • 与多种电子书阅读器设备同步,确保书库在不同设备间保持一致。
  5. 新闻下载
    • 自动从指定的新闻源下载最新内容,并转换为电子书格式,供离线阅读。
  6. 电子书编辑
    • 提供强大的 EPUB 和 AZW3 电子书编辑工具,支持文本、样式、封面等内容的编辑。
  7. 内容服务器
    • 内置内容服务器功能,用户可以通过浏览器或其他设备远程访问和下载自己的电子书库。
  8. 插件支持
    • 通过丰富的插件库扩展软件功能,满足个性化需求,如格式转换优化、去除 DRM 等。
  9. 批量操作
    • 支持对多个电子书进行批量转换、编辑和管理,大幅提高工作效率。
  10. 跨平台支持
    • 适用于 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 操作系统,确保不同平台用户都能轻松使用。



Version 7.25

New features
Allow setting custom icons for items in the Tab browser by right clicking on them and choosing “Manage icon for this value”
Kindle driver: Allow import of KFX files from 2024 Kindles that use the MTP protocol
A new tweak in Preferences->Tweaks to control the East Asian language used when transliterating to English
Add an option to adjust the size of the link and note icons in Book details under Preferences->Look & feel->Book details

Bug fixes
Nook driver: Fix the Glowlight 4 not working on Windows
Closes tickets: 2068527
MTP driver: Fix Internal storage and SD card being swapped on some devices that have buggy firmware that assigns the SD card a lower id than the internal storage
Template dialog: Respect the tweak for title/series when editing save to disk and send to device templates
Closes tickets: 2096841
Content server: Fix icons for individual formats not being shown in the Tag browser

New news sources
Alternatives Economiques by Kabonix
Zerodeux by Kabonix
Afrique XXI by Kabonix
Orient XXI by Kabonix
Contretemps by Kabonix
Faz.net by Anonymous
Moview Web and Football League World by SpicyPoison

Improved news sources
Arret sur images
Le Canard Enchaine
Foreign Affairs

Version 7.22

New features
E-book viewer: Read Aloud: Add an option to control the position of the popup control bar. It can now be placed along the top or bottom edges so as to overlap less with text.
System tray menu: Add action to restart calibre

Tolino driver: Support new firmware
Bug fixes
Windows: Enable popup OS notifications even when system tray icon is disabled to match behavior on other platforms. Notifications can be disabled via Preferences->Look & feel->Disable notifications on job completion
Fix a regression that caused incorrect English transliteration of Japanese text even when the UI language is set to Japanese

macOS: Dark mode: Fix a regression that caused the scrollbar to no longer be transient

DOCX Input: When some text has multiple footnotes insert a space between the consecutive foot note numbers so that they are distinct

DOCX Input: Fix ToC nesting not working if the styles for the ToC levels dont use integer margins
E-book viewer: Fix spurious chapter transition after configuring Read aloud
PDF Input: Fix reflow of lines in files with little text not working

New news sources
Economist News by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
Indian Express
Economist World Ahead

Version 7.21.0

New features
Edit book: A new tool to create an audio overlay in EPUB files for all text using the Read aloud facility
This allows readers of the book to listen to it with sentence tracking, even if they do not have a functioning text-to-speech system in the reading software. You can even assign different voices to different parts of the text for a more immersive experience. The tool is available from the Tools menu in the book editor.

Dark mode: make scrollbar more visible with higher contrast and rounded corners
E-book viewer: In flow mode when scrolling across internal file boundaries using the mouse wheel/touchpad have a short half second pause to ease the transition. Can be controlled via the Scrolling section of the Viewer preferences.
ebook-meta.exe: Add an option to disallow rendered cover of first page for EPUB
Book details: Add an action to download the cover to the context menu when right clicking the cover

Read aloud: Add a restore defaults button to the configuration dialog

Auto adding: Allow excluding arbitrary file types not just known book file types

Edit metadata dialog: Add an action to open the book’s folder to the context menu of the formats list

Bug fixes
Read aloud: Fix only first 32000 characters per chapter being read

Content server: Read aloud: Fix clicking on a word to skip reading aloud to that word causing word highlighting to stop working

Linux: Handle speech dispatcher with dummy output module and no voices more gracefully
When renaming authors fix empty author folder not being removed if it contained file explorer metadata but was otherwise empty
Edit metadata dialog: Fix keyboard shortcuts to edit prev/next raising an error when trying to go beyond the first/last book

Linux: ToC Editor: Fix a regression in 7.17 that broke using the Create new entry button

Content server: Fix changing the language of a book not working for non-English user interface language and for books that have no existing language

Linux: Read aloud with Piper: Fix audio not playing on some Linux systems
Notes browser: When searching books search over all currently selected categories not just the last selected one
New news sources
Unz Review and Sonar21 by unkn0wn
Improved news sources
Live Mint
Ars Technica
Indian Express

Version 7.20

New features
PDF Input: Automatic header/footer detection and removal
A new, dedicated PDF Input engine for calibre that implements automatic detection of headers and footers based on document analysis. The new engine is the default to go back to using the old engine, select it in the PDF Input section of the Conversion dialog.
Read Aloud: Allow configuring an extra pause at the end of every sentence when using the Piper TTS engine
Closes tickets: 2083058
PDF Output: Add _WIDTH_PIXELS_ and _HEIGHT_PIXELS_ variables to know the width and height of the header/footer area in templates
Windows: Use calibre’s bundled SSL certificates instead of the system certificate store by default
Can be turned off via CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_CERTIFICATES=1 env var
Trim image tool: Add a control to adjust aspect ratio
Kobo driver: Add support for the new firmware used by the Tolino Shine 5

Bug fixes
Fix a regression in previous release that broke copying of book to another library if the books author does not exist in the destination database
Read aloud: Piper backend: Fix not working with voices whose names have non-ASCII characters on Windows.
Content server: Fix book with non-ASCII filenames not downloading in the Kindle browser when using the /mobile view
Content server: Fix embedding the server HTML inside a third party iframe causing an error

New news sources
NYT Magazine by unkn0wn
RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland by epubli

Improved news sources
The Wire
Nikkei Asia Magazine
National Geographic
Science Journal
Times Literary Supplement
Saechsische Zeitung
India Today
Scientific American

Version 7.18

New features
E-book viewer: Read aloud: A new Text-to-Speech engine (Piper) that uses a neural network for realistic sounding voices
To use it access the viewer controls and click the Read aloud button or press ‘Ctrl+S’. The neural network is run locally, no cloud services are used. Using the OS Text-to-Speech engine is still possible by clicking the configure button on the Read aloud control bar. Note that the new engine highlights the currently read sentence rather than word.

New experimental engine to convert PDF files with support for automatic header/footer removal

Turn it on via the PDF input section of the conversion dialog.

Content server: Viewer: Read Aloud: Implement word-by-word tracking when reading aloud if the browser and voice used support it, for example, Chromium on Windows, Firefox on Android and Safari on macOS
Image popup: Add a context menu with an option to reset the current zoom

Edit metadata dialog: Show the number of data files on the data files button
Bug fixes
Fix a regression in the previous release that broke using Tab key to move around the book list while editing cells
E-book viewer: Fix scrollbar position not updating during continuous scroll

E-book viewer: Fix a harmless error when the book contains page list references whose targets do not exist

Linux binary build: Fix missing libdeflate dependency

New news sources
Muy Interesante México by unkn0wn
Salzburger Nachrichten by İlker Melik Sıtkı
Computer Weekly by İlker Melik Sıtkı
Improved news sources
Revista Muy Interesante
Ars Technica
South China Morning Post
Times Literary Supplement
Star Gazetesi
Times Online


Calibre 7.26.0 便携版
https://url20.ctfile.com/d/12493720-28522606-bf5b6e 密码:osssr

Calibre 7.26.0 官方便携版

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